Wow I actually made it. A blog! And a tip for the garden. 

And it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. 🙂

I have been sitting in my new garden the whole day, This garden makes me so happy.

The picture is from my new garden. I love to decorate and create things. We had an architect to help us with the ideas, and she gave me the best tip for the garden ever!

She said: You are so good in decorating inside the house with small details and colors. Make the same things in the garden. Then it will be like a living room outside and it will be yours.

Believe it or not. I have already showed this picture to som friends, and they all say that it looks like a picture from a magazine. That makes me really happy. Another friend said that he showed the picture to a couple and they thought that the pricture was taken from a place in Italy, where they used to be on vacation. Haha. No but I can tell you that this garden is in Denmark:)

Do you have any tips for the garden?